Monday, May 24, 2021

                                                           Geometry Reflection

My strengths

 There are two things I am good at: Drawing reflections of shapes and letters and naming 3d shapes. I am good at those two things because of mathletics and from going to Mr S and Mr K´ś workshops.   


My goals from the geometry test were enlarging shapes and naming the quadrilateral and I need to work on city directions.  

What helped me

I think doing mathletics and going to the teachers workshops helped me a lot and doing homework with mum. 


I prepared for my geometry tests by going on the hub website and watching some of the videos  from the website and doing all of the mathletics tasks 

What the teachers did well in, and what they need to work on

The teachers helped me by setting up the mathletics tasks and by challenging me in all of the workshops we did.


Now you know what my strengths and weaknesses are 


                                        Thomas 2021

Friday, May 21, 2021


Friday, May 14, 2021

To day we finished are most disgusting sandwich for a monster and one week a go we finished or favourite sandwich